
Showing posts from August, 2020

Neighborhood Committee - what is it?

There are between 25-30 Neighborhoods in The Summit Community Association - the HOA. Barony Place I and Barony Place II comprise the "Barony Place" Neighborhood, which contains 78 homes. (The Lakes at Barony Place are not part of Barony Place; they have their own neighborhood.) You the homeowner do not elect the directors of the homeowners association. Did you know that? Read down to see how directors are elected. The CC&Rs and the By-Laws provide that the directors of the Association are elected by Voting Members. Who are the Voting Members? Each year, every year, each Neighborhood is supposed to have a Neighborhood Meeting. The Board of Directors has been very lax in enforcing this  Do you know when the last Neighborhood Meeting of Barony Place was? I was told that, in Barony Place, decisions are made at card nights and monthly luncheons. And that, if residents don't show up, it's because they don't care. At the annual meeting of the homeowners a three-memb

Helping Neighbors

July 28. While walking my dog, I noticed a lot of water flowing from a lawn into the street at a house near my residence. I rang the doorbell to ask if the homeowner knew about it. She said she had called the City. The water was flowing from the grass between the curb and the sidewalk. A week later the water was still running, and there was no evidence of repairs. No disturbance of the grass. No cones from the City Water Dept. August 15. Saturday. I emailed the City Water Dept. to request attention to the repair.  August 18. Tuesday. When there was no evidence of a visit by the City Water Dept., I called them and asked that the repair be escalated. The water continued to flow at a good rate. The operator noted the prior request (from the resident) and combined the two. August 19. Wednesday. A Water Dept. employee must have inspected the leak, because a diagram was spray-painted in the street, pointing toward the leak. August 24. Monday. I called the City Water Dept. again (water still

Know Your Voting Member

Each Neighborhood in the Summit HOA is supposed to have a Voting Member and two Alternates. These three are to be elected annually to represent all the homeowners in their Neighborhood. Barony Place I and Barony Place II form one Neighborhood of 78 homes. The Lakes at Barony Place is its own (new) Neighborhood and apparently does not have its own Voting Member yet. The Voting Member represents you . When it's time to vote for directors to join the HOA Board of Directors, it is not you who votes. It is the Voting Member who votes for you. You should know your Voting Member, and your Voting Member should know you, the homeowner, or the resident in your household. The Voting Member should know what's happening in the Neighborhood. The Voting Member should communicate with the residents (homeowners and renters) in the Neighborhood.  The By-Laws read that the Voting Member is the conduit or liaison (my words) between the homeowners and the Board. Do you know your Voting Member or th