
Showing posts from February, 2024

Great HOA Cartoon

Just saw a great cartoon on NextDoor. 

30+-day notice: Office closed on Good Friday

The CAMS staff for the HOA sent this notice out today, February 26. " The Summit office will be closed on Friday, March 29th for the Good Friday holiday." I emailed this to the board: " Why in the world is CAMS sending out this message more than a month before Good Friday? Monday, March 25, would have been plenty of notice. "Are the inmates still running the asylum?" One board member replied within 30 minutes: "This is totally unnecessary. Please STOP [ sic ] and use a more professional approach." I have previously suggested to the board that one member with good communication skills be tasked with over-seeing communications from the office to the HOA Members.

When will the HOA be legally operated?

When will the board of directors announce its plans to become a legitimate board? Right now there are no legitimate officers. There are no legitimate members of the board (directors). This is because there are no legitimate Neighborhood Representatives (Voting Members) to elect directors, who then elect the officers. The HOA has not had a legitimate election in many years. Previous boards ignored the requirement in the By-Laws that every neighborhood must have an Annual Neighborhood Meeting, at which there would be an Annual Election of a Neighborhood Committee and the selection of the Neighborhood Representative (Voting Member) by that Committee.  The Neighborhood Representative serves for one year. It's not a lifetime appointment. There are 28 Neighborhoods. There should be 28 legitimate Neighborhood Representatives (Voting Members). "Getting signatures" is not a legitimate way of becoming a Neighborhood Representative. Yet in October 2023 a long-time board member resig...

Pergola damaged in October!

Can you believe that the repairs have not yet been made to the brick wall at Summit Ridge Drive and Summit Parkway? The crash that wrecked the pergola and the brick wall happened in October. That's four months ago. The pergola will not be replaced. The wall should have been repaired in November. The new board should crack the whip on the CAMS-operated HOA office and TELL them to get that wall fixed. There are lots of excuses. The vehicle that hit the wall and pergola was stolen. The vehicle's insurer is denying coverage.  So what? It's the HOA's wall. It is the HOA's responsibility to repair it, whether or not it ever collects any money from the vehicle's owner, the thief who stole the vehicle and wrecked it, or any insurance company. CAMS has been dealing with destroyed brick walls for years. It should know what to do. It is the HOA's management company. The Board of Directors should not tolerate such poor management services!

Open Letter to HOA Members and the Board

In November 2023 a new Board of Directors took over. Within two weeks two experienced Directors quit, and the Board appointed their successors. I've been told that the new board is working hard and that there are many issues to be addressed. Before the February meeting I suggested that the Board inform the Members (homeowners) about the various projects they will be addressing. Posterboards around the meeting room could have listed the projects and who was in charge of them. If you were at the February 6th meeting, you know that did not happen. The new board is actually just like the old boards; i.e., it is keeping the homeowners in the dark. Members don't have a clue what the board is doing, because there is no communication with the Members.  There is a lot of work to be done. The new board may not want to tell the Members about all the things that are wrong. They could be accused of disrespecting past boards. Get over it. Feelings don't count. Facts count. The board pres...

HOAs in the news

The headline in the February 9, 2024 Statehouse Report is " BIG STORY: Surge in HOA complaints fuels calls for regulation ". Jack O'Toole wrote that one of the "...  top three issues that were reported involved failure to enforce covenants and bylaws." My opinion is that he and the complaints to the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs missed the mark. The top issue at The Summit's HOA is that it fails to OBEY its covenants and bylaws. Tonight I emailed State Sen. Darrell Jackson (D-Hopkins): "The biggest problem with HOAs is not that they don't enforce CC&Rs and By-Laws. The biggest problem is that they don't OBEY their CC&Rs and By-Laws. "The Summit's HOA (29229) has 2480 homes. Homeowners are supposed to be represented by 28 Neighborhood Representatives (NR). The fact is that there are Zero legitimate NRs. We  have classic Voter Fraud out here. The SC DCA is powerless. We do not have a legitimate Board of Directors o...