HOAs in the news

The headline in the February 9, 2024 Statehouse Report is "BIG STORY: Surge in HOA complaints fuels calls for regulation".

Jack O'Toole wrote that one of the "... top three issues that were reported involved failure to enforce covenants and bylaws."

My opinion is that he and the complaints to the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs missed the mark. The top issue at The Summit's HOA is that it fails to OBEY its covenants and bylaws.

Tonight I emailed State Sen. Darrell Jackson (D-Hopkins):

"The biggest problem with HOAs is not that they don't enforce CC&Rs and By-Laws. The biggest problem is that they don't OBEY their CC&Rs and By-Laws.

"The Summit's HOA (29229) has 2480 homes. Homeowners are supposed to be represented by 28 Neighborhood Representatives (NR). The fact is that there are Zero legitimate NRs. We  have classic Voter Fraud out here. The SC DCA is powerless. We do not have a legitimate Board of Directors or any legitimate officers. No homeowner is willing to spend $25,-$50,000 to fight the HOA in court. The SC Attorney General and the SC Secretary of State will not act to protect the homeowners.

"My State Rep (Dist. 79) will not engage on this."

What is the new board of directors of the HOA doing? I suggested that it report to Members at the February what its work plan for the year is. It didn't. What's the big secret?


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