Careless Mistakes in CAMS Reports - Why Tolerated?

Why does the Board of Directors and in particular, the President and Treasurer, tolerate the simple errors that exist in the financial reports?

Could it be that they don't even look at the financial reports? Or, if they do, that they don't understand them?

Example: On Page 19 on the Minutes of the December 6, 2022 board meeting, there is a chart labeled "OERATING". It is in the section titled "Operating Expenses/Expense Statement". (OPERATING was spelled correctly in the previous month's Minutes.) A line explains "The Association continues to operate in accordance with the approved budget, except for the significant variances this current monthly budget, which are as follows:"

For Parkway Lights, it's easy to see that the Variance is wrong. The Actual was $24 less than Budget. The chart is misleading by showing YTD. And last month the same Budget and Actual numbers produced a larger variance.

It is impossible to compare YTD numbers when only monthly numbers are shown.

And this means the Treasurer doesn't have a clue what the true financial condition of the HOA is.

The truth will be clear once the Annual numbers are released.

The 2022 Budget was not adjusted for this year's inflation, except for the landscaping contract, which increased substantially. That increased cost was "hidden" by sucking money out of the dollars intended for Reserves. 

That action was never explained to the Board or to the Members. The Treasurer said only that the budget went up by a small amount ($3,500?).

Will anyone care, once the annual report comes out?


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