
Showing posts from January, 2023

No Repair in 5+ weeks

1/31/2023 9:45AM How long should it take the HOA to replace a bulb and a globe on a street lamp? This lamp post on the northwest corner of Summit Parkway and Autumn Glen Road has been like this since December 21, 2022. The HOA contracts its association management services to CAMS and pays CAMS and its affiliates close to $250,000/year of the dues collected from 2,480 homeowners. The HOA has eight members on a seven-member board and lots of committees. And yet a simple repair cannot be completed in more than five weeks. The next HOA meeting is Tuesday, February 7th, 6:30PM at Brookland Baptist Church Northeast. While you're there, ask the board why the January meeting was canceled without announcement to the members.

Homeowners should demand a forensic audit

Did you read about the president of a Virginia teachers association who is charged with embezzling $410,000? And how about people closer to home (Columbia, S.C.) who are being changed with stealing large amounts of money from their employers? One way to prevent that (or catch it early) is to have a thorough audit by a completely independent auditor. Let's call it a "forensic" audit. Has the Summit HOA ever had such an audit? I suggested it after George Reynolds died in April 2021. He was the long-time treasurer of the HOA. In my opinion, whenever a long-time treasurer of a non-profit organization leaves - for any reason - the organization should have a thorough, independent audit. Keyword: independent . In one year (2021) the HOA had three treasurers: George Reynolds, Paul Hill, and Vernell Butler. Right there is a good reason for a thorough audit. Then CAMS recommended a CPA who has ties to CAMS. How's that for independence? When the auditor gave her presentation of

Does the Board still have eight members?

On November 1, 2022, when the Voting Members re-elected one member of the board (Butler) and elected Dennis Rybicki and Vicki McCarthy to the board (in spite of Mary Ann Games' huge gaffe), the HOA board had eight members. The Board is supposed to have seven (7) members. Why are there eight? Because Dennis, to be elected, had to vacate Paul Hill's spot. After Paul died in April 2022, Dennis was appointed to succeed him. Dennis cannot hold two Director positions. He either had to resign Paul's spot or the Voting Members had to remove him. There is no written record of either action. Who are the board members and when do their terms expire? Terms expiring November 2023 Brenda Bryant Mary Ann Game Justin Martin, President Greg Thomas, Secretary Vacant director position (Paul Hill, Dennis Rybicki) Terms expiring November 2024 Vernell Butler, Treasurer Vicki McCarthy Dennis Rybicki Five directors were elected in November 2021, when only four should have been. That was how Justin

Mismanagement? Incompetence?

  On December 21, 2022 the light pole on the northwest corner of Summit Parkway and Timber Crest Drive was knocked down. Either on or before that day, but that was the first day I noticed it. When I drove by, a maintenance cart and worker were there, so the HOA knew about it then. On January 9th the office responded to my inquiry about the repair. "The day the pole was hit Brown Electric was called to secure the area, however it did take them a few days to remove the damaged pole & globe. Brown Electric then, provided an estimate for replacement days later (over Christmas holiday) and the estimate was sent to the board for approval upon my return from Christmas break. From there it was sent to the vendor to proceed and order the part. The parts have been ordered and they are waiting to receive them. Please know that this is a procedure in place when a pole is hit and it is followed. Thank you for being patient as we are working to get this fixed." Now it's January 27