
Showing posts from October, 2021

No Say in Upcoming Election for HOA Directors

If you are a homeowner in the "Barony Place" Neighborhood (Barony Place I or Barony Place II),  do you realize you will have NO say in the upcoming HOA election of four directors? Why not? Because your Neighborhood does not have a legitimate Voting Member. For a Voting Member/Neighborhood Representative to be a legitimate representative of a Neighborhood, an annual Neighborhood Meeting and Neighborhood Election should have been held within the past 12 months. The Neighborhood of Barony Place did not have a Neighborhood Meeting in 2021 or in 2020 or in 2019 or in 2018. A Voting Member is in office for one year only. It is not perpetual. It is not continuous. It is not renewable. A Voting Member can be re-elected. The HOA has not followed the By-Laws for years. And nobody on the board cared. And nobody on the Board cares now. So, quite likely, four incumbents will be re-elected on November 9. Each year every one of the 28 Neighborhoods is to have its own annual Meeting. At that...

October Scoop - MIA?

Where is the October Scoop? Not in the newspaper boxes. Not on the HOA website. Why can't the Board of Directors get a simple thing like timely publication and delivery of the Scoop handled? Maybe it's time for a brand new board. That's not likely to happen. Look at the list of candidates for the November 9th election: Brenda Bryant Mary Ann Game Paul Hill Justin Martin Sydney Rubey Dennis Rybicki Gregory Thomas Game, Hill, Martin and Thomas are incumbents.  Bryant, Rubey and Rybicki are challengers. Rumor has it that FIVE (5) directors are to be voted on by the Voting Members on November 9th.  I'm trying to confirm that the number is Five. According to the By-Laws, only four director positions expire in 2021, and only FOUR should be on the ballot. If five slots are on the ballot, that will mean that the current Board of Directors is failing to comply with the By-Laws. 

HOA Economy? - read this

                                                                  10/25/2021 10:30AM Recently the HOA had brick work done to repair a wall at the entrance to Barony Place II. That's at the corner of Barony Place Drive and Barony Place Circle. Here's how the HOA works. They paid a bricklayer to repair the wall. It was probably the only crack that has been repaired since the wall was built way back in, maybe 1999-2000? Maybe before? What the did brickwork cost? $500? The crack was caused by a root of an old, mature, beautiful tree.  So what happened today? A crew of three cut down the tree! What did that cost? $2,000? More? To save $500 maybe in another 10-15 years? Why destroy a beautiful tree because of a crack in a brick wall? Nobody bothered to ask the residents of Barony Place II for an opinion about "their" tree. So...

Should Board Minutes be Complete and Accurate?

The Minutes of a Board meeting are critical, because they are supposed to reflect what happened at a meeting. When they are inaccurate or incomplete, what is the effect? First, when matters are left out, then it's like they never happened. For example, at the October 5th HOA board meeting one committee chair brought up the seventh position on the board, which became vacant when George Reynolds died in April 2021. He explained that the board must fill that position by appointment, and not by election by the Voting Members on November 2nd. And then the board did nothing.  The board position has never been declared vacant. The board has never appointed a committee to recommend a homeowner for appointment as the seventh director. Why not? Also, at the meeting several matured CDs were brought up. The management company, CAMS, just allowed them to roll over. Apparently, CAMS did not inform the Treasurer or the Board that those three CDs were maturing. One is a 6-year CD, and the manageme...

Election of Directors - coming up Nov. 2?

At the October 5th monthly board of directors meeting the following schedule was announced for the upcoming election of directors. Note - directors are elected by Voting Members, not by the homeowners. Four directors are to be elected; these terms of office expire in 2021: Justin Martin, currently President Paul Hill, currently Treasurer Greg Thomas, currently Secretary Mary Ann Game The other three Directors' terms expire in 2022: Auby Dellinger Mr. Butler (Vernell, to some people) The 2-year term (vacant), formerly held by the late George Reynolds. This term cannot be filled by the Voting Members. The Board is to appoint George's successor. So far, it hasn't even declared the seat vacant. Why not? Justin announced that Jesse McClinton would be the new chair of the Neighborhood Committee. There probably should have been a Motion, Second and Vote, but formality has been absent from the HOA board for some time. No one asked Jesse if he is committed to complying with the By-L...

It's October. Where is the 2021 Budget?

Is The Summit HOA operating off a current approved budget for the year 2021? If you go to the HOA website, click on Residents, then Documents, then Annual Budget, then 2021. You will see that the 2021 Approved Budget is NOT there. What you will see is a side-by-side view of the Approved 2020 Budget and the Proposed 2021 Budget. But the 2021 Budget (the one for the current year) is not published. Why not? It should have been published on the website in the Fall of 2020, after it was approved by the Board of Directors. It should have been published well before April 2021, when the then-Treasurer died. It should have been published when the new Treasurer was elected by the Board of Directors. It should have been published when the first resident asked where it was. The Proposed 2021 Budget may not be the final budget, because some of the numbers don't match. The Proposed 2021 Budget contains errors in the Salaries item. The HOA has NO employees and pays NO salaries.  Why didn't ...

Approve This?

If Ali Hughson lived in The Summit, rather than in South Queensferry, Scotland, where he works for IKEA, and wanted to build this Hobbit House in his backyeard, would his Modification Form be approved? Hughson's backyard house is  2 meters (6.5 feet) high and 2–3 meters (6.5–9.8 feet) in width, so it would meet the 10'x10'x10' size limits.  Isn't it nice how his shrubbery blocks it from his neighbors' views? You can read more about it here .