Election of Directors - coming up Nov. 2?

At the October 5th monthly board of directors meeting the following schedule was announced for the upcoming election of directors. Note - directors are elected by Voting Members, not by the homeowners.

Four directors are to be elected; these terms of office expire in 2021:

Justin Martin, currently President

Paul Hill, currently Treasurer

Greg Thomas, currently Secretary

Mary Ann Game

The other three Directors' terms expire in 2022:

Auby Dellinger

Mr. Butler (Vernell, to some people)

The 2-year term (vacant), formerly held by the late George Reynolds. This term cannot be filled by the Voting Members. The Board is to appoint George's successor. So far, it hasn't even declared the seat vacant. Why not?

Justin announced that Jesse McClinton would be the new chair of the Neighborhood Committee. There probably should have been a Motion, Second and Vote, but formality has been absent from the HOA board for some time. No one asked Jesse if he is committed to complying with the By-Laws.

The schedule is

Oct. 11 Nominations close.

Oct. 12 Nominated persons will be verified as homeowners in good standing.

Oct. 14 Nominating Committee * will review those who have been nominated

Oct. 15 Letters will be mailed to nominees.

Oct. 23 Interviews will be held for Voting Members to hear from nominees.

Nov. 2 Ballots will be counted.

* The Board has not complied with the By-Laws regarding this year's appointment of a Nominating Committee.

The date of the Annual Meeting of Voting Members has not been announced, so when will the VMs vote on the slate of potential Directors?

Does the HOA even know who the legitimate Voting Members are for each Neighborhood? Most Neighborhoods have not held Annual Meetings and Annual Elections and so may not have legitimate Voting Members or Alternates. For example, Barony Place Neighborhood (Barony Place I and Barony Place II) has not had a Neighborhood Meeting in 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018. Without a recent Meeting and Election it has no legitimate Voting Member to represent 78 homeowners. 

Is there documentation of Neighborhood Annual Meetings and Elections for any of the Neighborhoods?

There was some discussion at the October 5th about "getting signatures" to select VMs, but there is nothing in the By-Laws about that procedure. Is the election ripe for Voter Fraud?


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