It's October. Where is the 2021 Budget?
Is The Summit HOA operating off a current approved budget for the year 2021?
If you go to the HOA website, click on Residents, then Documents, then Annual Budget, then 2021. You will see that the 2021 Approved Budget is NOT there.
What you will see is a side-by-side view of the Approved 2020 Budget and the Proposed 2021 Budget.
But the 2021 Budget (the one for the current year) is not published. Why not?
It should have been published on the website in the Fall of 2020, after it was approved by the Board of Directors. It should have been published well before April 2021, when the then-Treasurer died.
It should have been published when the new Treasurer was elected by the Board of Directors.
It should have been published when the first resident asked where it was.
The Proposed 2021 Budget may not be the final budget, because some of the numbers don't match.
The Proposed 2021 Budget contains errors in the Salaries item. The HOA has NO employees and pays NO salaries.
Why didn't the Finance Committee catch that? Why didn't the past Treasurer catch that? Why didn't the Board catch that? Why didn't the Auditor catch that? Why didn't the Auditor issue a Qualified Audit, instead of a clean audit? (I know the answer to that question.)
Why wasn't it fixed after I reported the discrepancy last year?
Have the Finance Committee and the Treasurer fixed that in the Proposed 2022 Budget?
I urged the new Treasuier, Paul Hill, to order an independent forensic audit (by a different Auditor) as a condition of his acceptance of the office. That type of audit is an essential measure of protection when assuming an office that has been held by any one person for a long period of time.
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