Should Board Minutes be Complete and Accurate?

The Minutes of a Board meeting are critical, because they are supposed to reflect what happened at a meeting.

When they are inaccurate or incomplete, what is the effect?

First, when matters are left out, then it's like they never happened.

For example, at the October 5th HOA board meeting one committee chair brought up the seventh position on the board, which became vacant when George Reynolds died in April 2021. He explained that the board must fill that position by appointment, and not by election by the Voting Members on November 2nd. And then the board did nothing. 

The board position has never been declared vacant. The board has never appointed a committee to recommend a homeowner for appointment as the seventh director. Why not?

Also, at the meeting several matured CDs were brought up. The management company, CAMS, just allowed them to roll over. Apparently, CAMS did not inform the Treasurer or the Board that those three CDs were maturing. One is a 6-year CD, and the management company's rep "thought" it rolled over into a new 6-year CD. This could turn out to be quite costly for the HOA, should interest rates climb.

The attitude of the board was Ho-Hum. That's because they do not understand finances or management.

Regarding inaccuracy, each month the president says something like, "The Minutes are approved as mailed. Send any changes to the office."

Not only "No", but "NO". That isn't how Minutes get approved. There should be a motion to approve them, and a second. Then discussion. Discussion is where the board members bring up errors, omissions, typos, etc. and request changes in the Minutes. Then there should be a vote to approve the Minutes "as amended". 

Do Board members even bother to read the Minutes?

New Directors will be elected by Voting Members on November 2. 

Do you ever know who is running? How can you tell your Voting Member to vote for a certain candidate, when the HOA doesn't even tell you who is running? Because the president skipped a monthly meeting in September, the voting process for new directors got compressed.

The Voting Members used to be a "club", known to some as Team George. That's over. Or is it?

Will Jesse McClinton study the By-Laws and then get the Voting Members to hold Neighborhood Meetings every year and elect a Neighborhood Committee of three, one of whom becomes the Voting Member? Will he inform them of the correct procedure, when a Voting Member quits or moves?

The Board didn't even formally appoint Jesse as chair of the board's Neighborhoods Committee. Justin did. Does anyone else here care about the By-Laws?


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