HOA Board - gone into hiding?

Has the Board of Directors of The Summit's HOA gone into hiding?

You may have already noticed that their names and email addresses are no longer on the website of the HOA. So the one place that you should be able to rely on - the website at www.summithomeowners.com - no longer displays the names of the board members, who the officers are, and how to reach them.

Are you satisfied with that?

When I wrote to the President of the HOA. Justin Martin, at his previously-known email address of jdmartin@sc.rr.com, my email was undeliverable. Strange. Did he close that email account? Was there a "glitch"? Or had he blocked me?

I found a second email address for him and wrote to that one. His reply was that was his work email address and not to use it again. he did not explain about his undeliverable email. So, honoring his request not to use his work email address again, I hoped that only a glitch had prevented my first email from reaching him.

I emailed him again at sc.rr.com and explained why I had used his work email address. That email bounced, too. So I wrote to him again at his work account for a direct, non-work email address, and he did not reply.

Maybe what Justin needs is a subpoena!

Now I know why the board is not listing its contact information. Justin explained.

"A couple of months ago the Board experienced a email spoof attack where they used my information in the header of the email and directed Mary Ann to get some gift certificates and get me the certificate numbers. Others had also received spoofed messages from my header name. To combat this we decided to remove our addresses off of the externally facing website."

We all seen those types of messages. We ignore them. Sometimes, we'll call the person and let him know that it looks like his account has been duplicated or hacked. The solution is simple. Change the password.

But for the entire board to go into hiding? Now, when you have a complaint about the HOA that needs the Board's attention, how do you reach them? And who are the directors and officers?

By the way, did they make that decision at a pre-board meeting? Did Justin just announce the plan? The Minutes contain no information about such a decision.  I don't recall any discussion at a board meeting. Do you? All the directors use personal email addresses, over which Justin has no control. Is the HOA board being run like an after-school club?


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