Should the HOA Board comply with the By-Laws?

How important is it that the board of directors complies with the By-Laws of the HOA?

Are the By-Law and the Covenants just "suggestions" for how the HOA is to be run?

Can the board pick and choose which By-Laws it complies with (and which ones it ignores)?

Can the HOA President just make decisions and announce them, as if the board had decided?

How does the Board "decide" anything? 

Here's how it should happen. A board member makes a Motion. Another board member seconds the Motion. After discussion (and there should be discussion), then the board members vote. And the Motion and vote get recorded in the Minutes.

How many months has it been since "the board" decided anything, even just approving the Minutes of the past month's board meeting? While the Minutes state that the board approved the Minutes of a past meeting, the fact is that "the board" did not approve the Minutes. Justin merely stated that "The Minutes are approved as mailed." So the Minutes are a false record.

What should happen at the pre-board meeting? Is this an official meeting? A secret meeting? Are decisions considered and made out-of-sight? Are there Minutes of pre-board meetings? Where are they?

The owners are 2,500 homes are affected by the actions of the board. 

Does the board ever get legal advice from its attorney? Written legal advice? Is the advice recorded in the Minutes? Some say, "If it's not written down, it never happened."

What is the function of the Auditor? Does the Auditor follow the GAAP* of the AICPA**?

If the Treasurer wanted something done a certain way that wasn't strictly correct, should the Auditor go along? Hint: the correct answer is "Absolutely NOT". Has that happened in the past? How many times?

Why won't other established HOA management companies even submit bids to manage The Summit HOA? Justin said at a past meeting that they wouldn't submit bids because they wouldn't do business the way The Summit HOA wanted. 

Isn't that a huge red flag for the way that things ARE being done? What is CAMS willing to do that other professional HOA management companies won't do?

*   GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
** AICPA - American Institute of CPAs


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