Directors should have HOA email addresses
Currently the HOA officers, including the Directors, use their personal email addresses for HOA business.
What happens to the official business emails, when those Directors are not re-elected? Or die in office?
Where is the historical record of the emails?
Same for the office employees. They use CAMS email addresses of their employer. They are not employed by the HOA.
Since they do the HOA's work, all those emails should be on a server controlled by the HOA, not by CAMS. What if, someday, CAMS is no longer the management company for the HOA?
Of course, this makes common sense. And this is why the HOA will continue to present plan and, someday, will lose all those important emails.
Example, what happened to all the HOA emails on George Reynolds' computer?
What happened to all the HOA emails on Paul Hill's computer?
Gone. And gone.
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