HOA Board Disregards By-Laws

Here is a copy of my email to the HOA board this evening, following the monthly board meeting on November 1. 

Good evening, board members,

When does the term start for newly-elected board members? 

It starts upon election. Vicky should have joined the board immediately at the November 1st board meeting. 

Please note in the By-Laws, Art, III, A, Section 6 (c) ¶2. 
"The directors elected by the Voting Members shall hold office until their respective successors have been elected by the Association."

Vicky was elected.
Dennis was elected (not re-elected).
Vernell was re-elected.

Dennis' seat on the board as Paul Hill's successor is now vacant. The board should act promptly (at the December 6th board meeting) to fill that vacancy.

One of the five directors elected in November 2021 needs to be removed. It shouldn't automatically be the dead one or the newest one.

Mary Ann's mistake was inexcusable and a horrendous insult to Auby. Mary Ann should be replaced as chair of the nominating committee and should resign from the board. That might solve the problem of the election error in November 2021. Ask Mr. McCabe.

The error last Tuesday also showed great disrespect to Vicky.

Why did Vernell pop up with the incorrect information that the term for a newly-elected director starts in January?

Gus Philpott

The HOA operated with a Board of eight members (including the vacancy of George Reynold's seat since November 2021). The correct size of the Board is seven (7). The Board failed to declare George Reynold's seat vacant or to fill it, after his death in April 2021.

Five Directors were elected in November 2021. Three Directors were elected on November 1, 2022.

5 + 3 = 8    Anyone get a different total?

Now Paul Hill's seat is vacant again, because Dennis Rybicki was elected to a two-year term last week. 

Wouldn't it be nice if those elected to the Board could figure out how to comply with the By-Laws?


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