How Long Should It Take?

The HOA board held its monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. At the Voting Members' Annual Meeting prior to the board meeting, three directors were elected.

The 2023 Budget was approved.

How long should it take for the news to reach the 2,480 Members (homeowners) of the HOA?

The Directors (McCarthy, Rybicki, Butler) should have been announced on the HOA website and in the November 2022 Scoop the following day.

The 2023 Budget should have been published on the website the next day.

In fact, the Proposed 2023 Budget should have been published on the website a month ago, when it was delivered to the board. Why wasn't it? What's the big secret?

Why wasn't The Summit Scoop ready for publication on Wednesday, November 2nd, right after the election?

I'll tell you why. Because the Board doesn't care about keeping the Members (homeowners) informed. You're sheep. Just fork over your $255 every six months and keep your mouths shut. 

There were a lot of people at the November 1st board meeting. And the meeting was a disaster, starting with Director and Nominating Committee chairman Mary Ann Game's erroneous announcement about who had won election as Directors. 

Mary Ann first stated that Auby Dellinger had won re-election. Auby was chairing the meeting, because Justin was absent. Just a few minutes later, Auby and Mary Ann stepped into the hallway. When they returned, Mary Ann announced that Dennis was the third Director elected, not Auby. Can you imagine the embarrassment that Auby experienced?

That error was inexcusable! Mary Ann should resign from the board or be removed by the Voting Members.

One member of the audience that night later described the meeting as "That was one of the worst meetings I've ever been to."

The October meeting had been the same way. Disorganized, out-of-control, pointless repetitive comments from the audience that should have directed to committees.


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