Ever Submit a Form 201?
Have you ever submitted a Form 201 to the HOA before you commenced a repair or improvement on your home?
Did you promptly receive a Conditional Approval?
After the work was done, did you inform the HOA that the work was completed?
What happened then? Anything? Do you know if the work was ever "inspected"?
Did you receive a Final Approval from the Modifications Committee? In writing? How soon?
If you didn't, did you request one? Did you receive it?
Are you and your home sitting in limbo? If you didn't receive a Final Approval, is your home still subject to being inspected and determined not to be in compliance with those all-important rules and regulations of the HOA, known as the Governing Documents?
Because you received a Conditional Approval, don't you think it would be a good idea to have a Final Approval in your legal file "just in case", years down the road, someone at the HOA claimed your home was not in compliance?
Avoid a legal mess then, by obtaining a copy of the Final Approval now.
Justin Martin, President of the HOA and Chairman of the Modifications Committee, wrote to me, "There is no such thing as a "final approval" that you speak of. You made up that process all by yourself."
Is he right?
As Paul Harvey used to say, "Stand by for news."
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