CAMS - How Much??? Only $69,999.96?

The Minutes of the November 2023 board meeting contains some numbers that will likely shock many homeowners, if they happen to find them and understand them.

On November 7, 2023 the "new" board of directors met. Danny Trapp and Linda Potter were elected to the board. Brenda Bryant and Greg Thomas were re-elected. Mid-term directors were Vernell Butler, Tanisha Holmes, Dennis Rybicki.

The Minutes of the October 3, 2023 Special Board Meeting at 8:00PM are included. Those Minutes reflect the former board's vote to continue CAMS as the management company. There is some question about the accuracy of the October 3rd Minutes.

The CAMS contract amount for 2024 is stated as $69,999.96. The problem, as I see it, is that the HOA will pay CAMS this year (2023) over $500,000. Where is the rest of the deal?

The 2024 landscaping contract with Green Earth will cost the HOA $558,000. In October Green Earth replaced the original landscaping contract with BrightView. There should have been a proper vote on that individual contract during the November 7 board meeting. 

CAMS, the "professional" HOA management company, should have been guiding the board (even the new board) in the important step of approving the highest dollar-amount contract for the HOA. 

The Minutes for the October 2023 regular board meeting were erroneous. The Minutes state that BrightView "ended" its contract early. My understanding is that BrightView didn't. The HOA terminated the contract for poor performance, and there may be legal action involved that the board should report to Members.

My major point here is that the board of directors, in regular, open, monthly board meetings, should be discussing and voting on major contracts. That business should not be conducted out-of-sight of the Members.


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