Problems - November 2023 BOD Meeting Minutes

Be sure to read the Minutes of the November 7, 2023 Board of Directors meeting. They are published on the HOA's website. If you need help finding them, let me know.

Without commenting on all the errors, two on the fourth page of the Minutes stuck out.

In the report of the Modifications Committee, formerly chaired by Justin Martin and now without a Chair, the short report read: 

"The committee approved 131 201 Forms and inspected 76 completed projects from January to October." (emphasis in the original]

More correct would be this wording:

"The committee conditionally approved 131 201 Forms, inspected 76 completed projects from January to October, and issued no final approvals."

A good question is, "What happened with the other 55 (131-76) projects that were conditionally approved? Are all of those projects still pending?

I do recall it took Justin three full months to inspect the roof (by merely driving by) on the house in which I live. And then he refused to issue a Final Approval, saying final approvals were never issued.

An important error exists pertaining to the $69,999.96 CAMS quote that was, according to the Minutes, voted on and approved by the Board for October. The Board did not vote on that item on November 7.

The CAMS quote was apparently approved on October 3, 2023 at a Special Meeting called on short notice, right after the 6:30PM meeting had adjourned. Poorly-written Minutes for that Special Meeting indicate a vote, but there is no reference to a dollar amount.

The Minutes for that Special Meeting, which were distributed at the November 7th board meeting, read that four directors voted For the CAMS bid and three directors voted Against. (The four voting For it are no longer on the board!!!)

There is a question about that Special Meeting and whether the motion was to approve the bid from CAMS or to continue discussion on the bids. That is a very important distinction. The board was facing a deadline, due to (I heard) an extension of the deadline (October 15) to renew the CAMS contract.

What is up with the hokey amount of $69,999.96? 

CAMS appears to be on schedule to be paid $500,000+ by the HOA in 2023. Why was their bid 4¢ less than $70,000? The 2023 budget for Line 6000 - Management Fee's [sic] was $75,500.

The HOA has obscured the total amount paid to CAMS by spreading payments out across many Line Items in the financial accounting.

Hopefully, the "new" board will do a better job of accurately informing homeowners of the actual cost of using CAMS as the management company.


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