Why no action on the damaged wall?
When did the damage occur? October 2023
On March 5, the board voted to tear it down.
The estimate to repair it was less than $9,000. The HOA had filed a claim with its insurance company and received $28,000!
A competent bricklayer could have repaired it within two weeks.
On March 4 I had written to the board and alerted them to a Board Resolution on August 3, 2004, when a former board decided
"Repair Common Area Damage Immediately: To ensure that Common Areas are kept in good condition, the Board of Directors adopted an operating policy to initiate repairs to damaged Common Areas immediately, documenting said repairs with itemized costs for submission for repayment of required repairs/replacement (approved 8/3/2004)."
This is found in the Procedures Reference Manual (PRM) in Art. II, D., 5)
No one on this term's (2023-2025) board was on the board 19½ years ago, but CAMS, the "professional HOA management company" should have known about this and informed the directors in October and the new directors in November.
Some on the board want to be cut some slack, because they are volunteers. Should they get it?
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