July BOD meeting date changed

If you rely on the May Scoop for the correct date of the July Board of Directors meeting, you'll be a week early. You won't be the only one trying to show up, but there will not be a meeting on July 6, 2021. In spite of the date in the May edition of The Summit Scoop.

The correct date of the July meeting will be July 13.

The meeting date was changed for the convenience of the Board President, Justin Martin. That must be vacation week for him.

The meeting-date change was NOT announced during the June meeting. I wonder when and how the HOA planned to announce the date change.

When I heard about it the next day, I inquired. Apparently, the Board members know about it, but at least one committee chairman didn't know about it.

The BOD meeting should be held as scheduled on July 6. The meeting could surely be run competently by the Board's Vice-President, Auby Dellinger. And since meetings are held via Zoom, Justin could even just call in from wherever and run the meeting himself.

Board and committee members and residents just might have something else to do on the second Tuesday of the month. That's the regular meeting night of the Richland 2 School District, as well as the regular meeting night of other organizations.


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