"Residents" no longer welcome at board meetings

Residents who are not homeowners are no longer welcome at meetings of the HOA board of directors.

I guess it was easier and more politically-correct to change the wording in the Scoop, which previously read, "Board meetings are open to ALL [sic] Summit residents." For months the board has refused to allow me to attend monthly meetings. I kept asking pesky questions like, "When will you being complying with the By-Laws in regard to required annual meetings of each of the 28 Neighborhoods to elect a Neighborhood Committee and Voting Member?"

They could have changed the wording to "Board meetings are open to ALL Summit residents except Gus Philpott."

Instead, the wording in the June Scoop now reads, "Board meetings are open to ALL Summit homeowners."

Of course, that won't prevent me from continuing to ask when the Board will begin complying with the By-Laws.

If you think the Board should comply with the By-Laws (and not just threaten homeowners with Violation Letters, fines and foreclosure), contact the Board and your Neighborhood Representative/Voting Member.

Note: You may not have a legitimate Neighborhood Representative/Voting Member. If your Neighborhood did not have a Neighborhood Meeting yet in 2021 or in 2020, you are unrepresented.


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