Are You Represented?

If you are a homeowner in Barony Place Neighborhood (Barony Place I and Barony Place II), you are legally entitled to be represented at the Board of Directors of The Summit Community Association (HOA).

Would you be concerned if you were not?

The By-Laws provide for each Neighborhood to be represented by a Voting Member/Neighborhood Representative.

What if the person holding the title as Voting Member for Barony Place is not a legitimate Voting Member? Then you are not represented at the Board.

This problem occurs for many of the Neighborhoods in The Summit. Why?

Because the Neighborhoods have not held Neighborhood Meetings annually. There have not been the required annual Neighborhood Elections. There is no three-person Neighborhood Committee. It is from that Committee that the Voting Member and two Alternates come.

In 2019 Doris Covert was listed in the Scoop as the Voting Member for Barony Place. The last board meeting she attended was in October 2019.

In January 2020 the Scoop listed Billie Jones as the Voting Member. How did that happen? Did Billie and Doris just switch chairs? Who allowed that? The late Neighborhoods Committee (of the board) chair? Billie Jones is not listed in Board Minutes as having attended even one board meeting since January 2020!

I've been a resident of Barony Place II since early 2018 and do not recall that there ever was a Neighborhood Meeting. I would not have been notified, because I am not the homeowner. But the homeowner doesn't remember a Neighborhood Meeting in 2018, nor do many of my neighbors. Nor was there such a Meeting in 2019, 2020 or so far in 2021.

Neighborhood Committees are elected annually and serve one year. Then their terms of office expire. 

The Board of Directors has played it loose regarding compliance with the By-Laws. How many other Neighborhoods have not had Meetings and Elections? How many other Neighborhoods do not have legitimate Voting Members and Alternates?

Without legitimate Voting Members to elect Directors, is the entire Board of Directors not properly elected? Could this place The Summit Community Association at risk as a South Carolina non-profit corporation?

Barony Place needs to hold its 2021 Neighborhood Meeting and elect the Neighborhood Committee, so that it can select its legitimate Voting Member and two Alternates for the next year. So does every Neighborhood in the HOA. Correct this now, before the S.C. Attorney General steps in and assume control of the HOA.

By the way, the annual meeting of Voting Members is supposed to be held between Sept. 2 and Oct. 2. The date is set by the President of the HOA, who is responsible for calling the meeting. This is clearly stated in the By-Laws.


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