Unauthorized Signs

How should unauthorized signs on HOA (or homeowner) property be handled?

This sign popped up on Timber Crest Drive at Barony Place Drive, in the Barony Place Neighborhood. This is a popular corner for advertising and garage-sale signs.

When I emailed the photo to the office and asked for it to be removed, I suggested that Neighborhood Representatives could be authorized to remove such signs. I received a reply from the HOA president that read, "It's not illigal [sic] to remove signs that shouldn't be there in the first place."

I'd like to agree with him, but I don't own the HOA property. If I took the sign, I'd be committing theft.

When I lived in Illinois, I contacted the police department in the small town in which I lived to ask if there was any reason I could not remove Garage Sale signs that were placed in violation of a City Ordinance. The cop and the city manager told me I would be subject to arrest for taking something that did not belong to me.

Maybe I should get a cap embossed with "Sign Police" on it. I contact SC DOT regularly about real estate and other advertising signs on Clemson Road from I-20 to Summit Parkway. The DOT will remove them and within days the signs are back. 

I'm sure the HOA will send the maintenance guy over to remove the sign (at HOA expense).


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