Board Meeting 11/9/2021 - Agenda

Here's the agenda for tonight's HOA board meeting. It was finally emailed out at 3:14PM today. Nice, eh?

If you are looking for mention of the 5:00PM Voting Member Annual Meeting and election of Directors, you won't see it.

Also, you'll see there are no Old Business and no New Business. So I guess no newly-elected Directors will be introduced tonight. 

What about the budget for next year? Will they talk about that?

Is there any chance at all that they might conduct business in a more formal fashion, such as following Robert's Rules of Order? Like, might a board member actually make a Motion on some important item, to be seconded and discussed, and then Voted on? Does anyone remember the last time that the Board made a decision by voting, rather than Justin's just announcing the way it was going to be?

And what about the vacancy created on the Board, when George Reynolds died last April?



Zoom Meeting

November 9th, 2021




1.                 Call to Order  

2.                 Quorum Confirmation

3.                 Law Enforcement 

4.                 Approve Minutes from October 5th, 2021 BOD Meeting

5.                 Committee Reports  

a.     Youth – Angie Auila

b.     Activity – Danny Trapp  

c.      Energy – Norm Stewart

d.     Safety – Paul Hill  

e.     Finance – Paul Hill 

f.       Neighborhood – Jesse McClinton

g.     Covenants – Jeff Lummel 

h.     Ponds and Lakes – Jeff Lummel 

i.        Landscape – Jeff Lummel 

j.        Projects– Auby Dellinger  

k.      Neighbors Helping Neighbors/ CERT – Mary Ann Game 

                       l.   Modification – Justin Martin 

                      m.  Contracts – Justin Martin  

                        n. Nomination-Auby Dellinger

 6.     Report – Angela Adleman 

            7.     Old Business

            8.     New Business

            9.     Resident Concerns 

           10.    President’s Report  



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