Election of Officers - Dec. 7

Attention all Homeowners and Residents of The Summit, including the Barony Place Neighborhood (Barony Place I and Barony Place II).

Be sure to attend the December 7th virtual monthly meeting of the Board of Directors. It should be interesting. Call the office to be sure that you receive the Zoom link in time for the 6:30PM meeting.

One of the most important responsibilities of the Board at the December meeting will be to elect the officers for 2022. Four officers are to be elected: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

The By-Laws, Art. IV, Sect. 2 dictate how the officers are to be elected:

"Section 2. Election. Term of Office, and Vacancies. The officers of the Association shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors at the first meeting of the Board of Directors following each annual meeting of the Voting Members, as herein set forth in Article III. ..."

The Board is already a month later in electing the officers, because the first meeting following the annual meeting of the Voting Members was November 9.

NOTE that Section 2 reads "The officers of the Association shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors..." [emphasis added] Notice that it does not say "The officers of the Association shall be appointed annually by the president of the Board..."

BUT WAIT. There was NO annual meeting of the Voting Members this year. That was a MAJOR violation of the By-Laws. Unfortunately, the 2021 board has not cared very highly about complying with the By-Laws. Ballots were distributed to the Voting Members and then collected by Nov. 5. The ballots were counted on November 9, but the Voting Members did not witness the counting. 

Only four Directors should have been elected on November 9th, but the board circulated ballots calling for the election of FIVE Directors. 

The current (2021) board violated the By-Laws further on November 9th by electing a successor for the vacant position on the board that was created by George Reynolds' death in April. The By-Laws require the board to appoint Reynolds' successor. Instead, the board never declared the vacancy.

In previous election cycles, four directors were elected in odd-numbered years (ex. 2019) and three directors were elected in even-numbered years (ex., 2020). Justin Martin, the president of the HOA, decided that this year five Directors would be elected. This means that next year, only two directors (not three) will be elected. If you read the board Minutes, you will find no decision (vote) by the board to alter the election cycle.

In fact, the board cannot change the election cycle. That's because the board cannot unilaterally change the By-Laws. 

Decisions are supposed to be made by the board, but Justin makes the decisions and announces them. And the 2021 board has let him get away with doing that.

How will the board vote on December 7th? Will there be nominations for each office? Can a Director self-nominate? Will nominees be ready to state why other directors should vote for them? Will there be a change in board leadership? 

The board should elect someone other than Justin Martin as President. He and George ran things "their way". And "their way" too often disregarded the By-Laws. 

It's time to follow the By-Laws.


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