
Showing posts from March, 2023

PRM - where is it?

An important document for the management of the HOA seems now to be missing from the HOA's website. The Procedures Reference Manual (PRM) provides guidance to the Board, to CAMS, and to homeowners about how the CC&Rs and the By-Laws are to be addressed and implemented. The PRM used to located on the HOA's website at   It could be found, after logging into the site, by hovering over RESIDENTS and the clicking on DOCUMENTS. It was the third bullet under CC&R/Bylaws [ sic ]. Now it's not there. I emailed Teresa Rigon in the HOA office on March 17 but did not receive a reply from her. Yesterday (March 25) I emailed Angela, the CAMS Manager. Let's see if she replies. Why would the HOA remove that document and not place a Notice on the website? [ Edited 3/27/2023 ] The HOA office informed me that the PRM is now located under Online Guides in the Documents section of the HOA's website.

Undeveloped Lot in The Summit

159 Oleander Mill Way At the March 7, 2023 monthly board meeting the Safety Committee reported a complaint (or complaints) about trespassers at this undeveloped lot on Oleander Mill Way. Kids are apparently cutting through the lot to Food Lion.   Should the HOA's Safety Committee be taking any interest in this property? The Mission of the Safety Committee is, according to the By-Laws, "...   identifying unsafe conditions that exist in the amenity areas and reporting these findings to the Association Board of Directors along with recommendations for rectifying the problems." This lot is private property and not Common Property of the HOA.  If neighbors are complaining about kids walking through, can they do anything about it? The property is not, and cannot be, posted against Trespassing. The Summit HOA prohibits most signs. This property has an interesting history. This can be viewed at The Taxable Value

RCSD Contract Re-negotiated

According to the Minutes of the March 7, 2023 HOA board meeting, the contract with the Richland County Sheriff's Department (RCSD) to provide special duties to the HOA has been re-negotiated. The HOA has had a Special Duty Agreement (SDA) with RCSD for several years. The Safety Committee chair, Dennis Rybicki, likes to refer to it as a "Signal 30 contract". Does any homeowner has a clue as to what "Signal 30" is? One internet source defines the "Signal 30" police code as "Officer Needs Help". Well, that one certainly does not apply to our HOA. Another source identifies is as "Observe Area". On March 15 I requested a copy of the "Signal 30 Contract" from Dennis. Not only did he not furnish it; he didn't even reply. Have board members been directed not to respond to requests from residents? Or just from me? In the absence of a response from him, I have filed a FOIA Request with RCSD. In ten days or so, I'll receive a

2023 HOA Directors and Officers

Here are the Summit HOA's Directors and when their terms expire: Justin Martin 11/23 Greg Thomas 11/23 Mary Ann Game 11/23 Brenda Bryant 11/23 Dennis Rybicki 11/24 Vernell Butler 11/24 Tanisha Holmes 11/24 * The vacant term of Paul Hill is being ignored. He was elected to a two-year term in November 2021 and died in April 2022. Dennis Rybicki was appointed in May 2022 to succeed Paul by Justin, but only for six months. Therefore, the remainder of that Director's term is still on the books and is vacant. The HOA erroneously elected five  (5) Directors in November 2021, rather than the four allowed by the By-Laws. Thank Justin for that. Officers are supposed to be elected in November each year, right after the new Directors are elected. That doesn't happen, because it's not important to the Board to comply with the By-Laws. President - Justin Martin Vice President -  Mary Ann Game Secretary - Greg Thomas Treasurer - Vernell Butler The HOA probably does not any legitimate

No year-end financials published

Where are the 2022 year-end financials for The Summit's HOA? They have not yet been published. The Board did not meet on January 3rd, which would have been too soon to have the December 2022 and the year-end financials ready. It should have met and received the November 2022 financials. When the board met in February, an excuse was given for the lack of financials, based on one check the office had received that they could not attribute to a known homeowner. Now, somebody explain to me why one stray check, apparently for dues, would hold up the December and year-end financials!!! When the board met on March 7th, only the January 2023 financials were provided by CAMS. Did no one ask about the December and year-end financials?  And where are the financial statements for the month ending November 30, 2022? They would have been included in the January 2023 Minutes, but the board did not meet in January. And no financials, for any month, were included in the February 2023 Minutes. Why i

What's this??? Vandalism?

As I drove toward Hard Scrabble Road yesterday, I noticed this globe on the north side of Summit Parkway, just east of Autumn Glen Road. I double-backed for a closer look and saw that one of the street lamp globes had been placed over a utility warning post. Then, on the northwest corner of Summit Parkway and Autumn Glen Road, I saw that the globe and bulb are missing once again from the top of the first lamp post west of the corner.  The globe and bulb were gone for about two months after December 21, but the repair had finally been completed by the end of February What's up? Are vandals at work?

HOA Board Meeting - Tonight, March 7

The Summit's HOA will hold the March monthly board meeting tonight,, March 7, at 6:30PM. Call your neighbors and be there. "There" is the Brookland Baptist Church Northeast, 1203 Summit Parkway. Every month a generic agenda is published. CAMS and the Board make no use of the Old Business and New Business categories on the agenda.  To get at least some minor idea of what happened in past months, you can read the Minutes on the HOA's website . To get to the Minutes, you'll have to registered. Only Homeowners can register. Once you are logged in, hover over RESIDENTS and click on DOCUMENTS. Then click on "Board of Director's Minutes". I have suggested that the name of any Director who is absent be shown as "Absent". I have suggested that the names of the Voting Members and Alternates be shown with the Neighborhoods alphabetized. Actually, the names could be omitted, and the Minutes could merely reflect that the certain Neighborhoods were repre

Neighborhood Communications

Would it be helpful to you, as a homeowner or resident, to receive monthly communications about the goings-on in our neighborhood and regarding the Summit HOA's board of directors? First, what is our "Neighborhood"? Barony Place consists of Barony Place I (34 homes) and Barony Place II (46 homes), for a total of 80 homes. Most are owner-occupied, but not all. Non-homeowner-Residents are a valuable part of the Neighborhood. (The Lakes at Barony Place is not part of the Barony Place Neighborhood.) Who should be the source of these regular communications?  According to a listing of primary responsibilities of Voting Members or Alternates, one of the responsibilities is to "Create a Neighborhood Newsletter". This list can be found on the HOA's website ( ).   No log-in is required. On the homepage, scroll down to "Neighborhood News"; click on that. Scroll down to "Voting Members/Alternates Memo..." and click on the li

Date of 2023 Annual Meeting?

When will the Annual Meeting of the Barony Place Neighborhood be held? Barony Place consists of Barony Place I and Barony Place II - about 78 homes.  The 78 homeowners are supposed to be represented by a Voting Member (VM), who is selected each year from the 3-member Neighborhood Committee. Where does the Neighborhood Committee come from? "The members of each Neighborhood Committee shall be elected by the vote of Owners of Units within that Neighborhood  at an annual meeting  [ emphasis added ] of such Owners."  Reference: By-Laws, Art. V, Section 3, ¶2.   The Voting Member position is not perpetual. The Voting Member "might" be re-elected and selected each year, but the Owners are supposed to do that each year. For many years the Board of Directors of The Summit's HOA has been lax in enforcing this provision of the By-Laws. Most, if not all, of the 28 Neighborhoods have not had Annual Meetings or Annual Elections of Neighborhood Committees. Without those Annual