No year-end financials published

Where are the 2022 year-end financials for The Summit's HOA? They have not yet been published.

The Board did not meet on January 3rd, which would have been too soon to have the December 2022 and the year-end financials ready. It should have met and received the November 2022 financials.

When the board met in February, an excuse was given for the lack of financials, based on one check the office had received that they could not attribute to a known homeowner.

Now, somebody explain to me why one stray check, apparently for dues, would hold up the December and year-end financials!!!

When the board met on March 7th, only the January 2023 financials were provided by CAMS.

Did no one ask about the December and year-end financials? 

And where are the financial statements for the month ending November 30, 2022? They would have been included in the January 2023 Minutes, but the board did not meet in January. And no financials, for any month, were included in the February 2023 Minutes.

Why isn't the Treasurer, Vernell Butler, all over CAMS for failing to provide those essential and important documents?

The CAMS Management notes for February 7, 2023 indicate that Becca (Rebecca) Brendle has been contacted to handle the 2022 Audit. 

Why is CAMS making that decision and not the board? The Audit is supposed to be the careful and thorough examination of how CAMS kept the financials, but she may have close ties to CAMS because of audits believed to be done for other HOAs managed by CAMS.

The board should ascertain whether she is fully independent and whether she will inform the board of any and all discrepancies found. She didn't do that in 2022.

For example, will she inquire why so many decisions are made by the HOA President and never voted on by the Board?

Will she qualify her Audit because of poor management and board oversight that results in inordinately-low interest rates being earned on large amounts of money in Reserves?

Will she qualify her Audit because there appear to be no Resolutions by the Board to authorize signatories on bank accounts? Most banking institutions require those Resolutions, but the Board never votes on them.

Will she examine financial decisions made in private, secret pre-board meetings, rather than in open, public monthly board meetings?


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