Date of 2023 Annual Meeting?

When will the Annual Meeting of the Barony Place Neighborhood be held?

Barony Place consists of Barony Place I and Barony Place II - about 78 homes. 

The 78 homeowners are supposed to be represented by a Voting Member (VM), who is selected each year from the 3-member Neighborhood Committee. Where does the Neighborhood Committee come from?

"The members of each Neighborhood Committee shall be elected by the vote of Owners of Units within that Neighborhood at an annual meeting [emphasis added] of such Owners." Reference: By-Laws, Art. V, Section 3, ¶2. 

The Voting Member position is not perpetual. The Voting Member "might" be re-elected and selected each year, but the Owners are supposed to do that each year.

For many years the Board of Directors of The Summit's HOA has been lax in enforcing this provision of the By-Laws. Most, if not all, of the 28 Neighborhoods have not had Annual Meetings or Annual Elections of Neighborhood Committees.

Without those Annual Meetings, no Neighborhood has a legitimate Voting Member.

Without legitimate Voting Members, there is no one who can legally elect Directors to the Board. Without legally-elected Directors, there is no one to run the HOA, which hires CAMS and oversees the financial operations of the HOA.

In other words, the ship is sailing; no one is legitimately at the controls.

The Barony Place Neighborhood did not hold an Annual Meeting in 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, or 2018. And maybe not for several years before that.


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