Repairs at Summit Ridge Drive - why the delay?

On or about October 20th the pergola was damaged - again. Read my first article about it here.

What's the status today (January 1, 2024)? The destroyed pergola has been removed. The broken bricks have been removed.

And that's it.

This is not CAMS first rodeo with brick damage. Isn't it the Property Manager's job to manage the property? I guess it must be a strange and narrow-minded person who would think so.

As I drove by today, I thought, "It's a one-day job to repair that damage."

The brick guy could chip out all the broken bricks. Then make a diagram (on graph paper would work) and measure the length and height to restore the wall. Lay new bricks on a platform and mortar them together. Transport the replacement wall to the corner, stand it up, and cement it in. 

You'd think this is someone's career project. 

What has the board decided about the pergola itself? Isn't it really just an eyesore? Has the board decided not to rebuild it? Hire some guy with a jackhammer and take the concrete out. Fill the hole with good dirt and plant flowers. Make it beautiful.

What is the real delay about the project? Who is in charge? Is the new board president laying down the law to CAMS? Is there anybody at CAMS who knows how to run such a project?

Hopefully, nobody is wasting time while collecting money from the errant driver or his insurance company. It is the HOA's responsibility to fix it (with or without the pergola and with or without payment from the driver). Just fix it and send the bill to the driver. If he doesn't pay, sue him. Easy-peasy.


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