March, April BOD Minutes

Minutes for two Board meetings are up for discussion here.

The Minutes for the March 5, 2024 were distributed late, and the Board of Directors (BOD) did not approve them at the April 2nd meeting.

They are posted on the HOA's website. They are better-written than the February Minutes, but they still leave a lot to be desired, from a professional preparation viewpoint.

One important Motion was omitted from the March Minutes. The Ad Hoc Committee, chaired by Vicki McCarthy, was disbanded. A Motion was made to establish a permanent committee to keep the CC&Rs and By-Laws up-to-date. The HOA President objected strongly, and the Motion was withdrawn. The directors could have voted and over-ridden the President's objection, but they "played nice". It appears that, once again, work to update the Governing Documents will go down the drain.

The Minutes of the April 5th BOD Meeting have not yet been published, so Members who did not attend that meeting have no idea what happened.

The Minutes should have been prepared on April 6th, while they were fresh in the mind of the recording secretary (whose name should appear at the end of the Minutes - and doesn't). Minutes are then sent out to the directors for comments and corrections. Directors should be given three days to read the Minutes and respond to the office. Then the Minutes should be published on the website.

But maybe no one else cares. 


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