Annual Meeting, Barony Place Neighborhood - continued to 5/4/2024

Barony Place Neighborhood (Barony Place I and Barony Place II attempted to hold a Neighborhood Meeting this afternoon. Of the 78 homes, seventeen (17) homes were represented, and that was not sufficient to meet the quorum requirement of 26.

The meeting was continued to Saturday, May 4, 2024, 1:00PM, at 44 Barony Place Circle.

An effort will be made to have at least 26 homes represented in-person or by proxy.

Three homeowners have volunteered to be on the Neighborhood Committee: Tracy Manderino (Barony Place II), Della Glynn (Barony Place II) and Gwen Hayes (Barony Place I).

If a quorum is present on May 4th, those present, including by proxy, will elect the Neighborhood Committee. Once the Committee has been elected, it will select one of its three committee members to be the Voting Member for the next 12 months. The other two members will be Alternates.

A new announcement will be distributed to your newspaper box, along with a proxy. If you will not attend Saturday's meeting, please give your proxy, so that Barony Place can have a Voting Member and be represented before the HOA's Board of Directors.


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