No Minutes of VM Annual Meeting

The following email was sent to the HOA's board of directors on April 26, 2024, with a request that the topic be discussed at the May 7th board meeting.

After no response from the office to my emails of April 4, April 11, and April 17, I went to the office this morning to inspect the Minutes of the November 2023 Annual Meeting of Voting Members. I learned there are no Minutes of that meeting. Or of past meetings of the Voting Members.

Teresa told me that they are on the website. She was referring to the Board Minutes for November 2023, but those are not the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Voting Members.

The Annual Meeting of Voting Members is separate and distinct from the meeting of the HOA's board. It is held before the board meeting. The By-Laws call for the Annual Meeting of the Voting Members to be run by the President (that would have been Justin), not by the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. Minutes are to be recorded by the Secretary (that would have been Greg). 

Previous boards were careless about complying with the By-Laws. The CAMS Property Manager (that would have been Angela) should have alerted the CAMS home office that the directors were not complying with the By-Laws. She should have sought advice on how to deal with a board of directors that disregarded the By-Laws.

I request that Minutes for the November 2023 Annual Meeting of Voting Members be created and that they reflect by whom each Neighborhood was represented. That would be one person from each Neighborhood - the Voting Member or Alternate who was elected by that Neighborhood within the previous 12 months (or so). Alternates should not attend the Annual Meeting, if the Voting Member is present. A quorum of legitimate Voting Members or Alternates is required for the Meeting to be held and for an election of directors to be conducted. I believe you will find that no such quorum was in attendance, because there may be no legitimate Voting Members.

Previous boards were wrong to allow homeowners to "get signatures" and become Voting Members. The By-Laws are clear.

The current "Directors" were not duly-elected. You need good legal advice on how to correct this serious problem.

Will you please put this topic on the agenda of the May 7, 2024 board meeting and discuss how you plan to resolve the problem?


  1. Open Letter to the Board of Directors.

    I am disappointed that not one board member replied to apologize for the failure of the office staff to respond to three emails from me. Or for the Property Manager's not knowing that the Annual Meeting of Voting Members and the meetings of the Board are entirely separate and distinct and that each requires Minutes.

    Gus Philpott


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