March Board Minutes

The Minutes of the March 5, 2024 Board Meeting were mailed to board members and voting members yesterday just before 1:00PM (5½ hours before the start of the April 4th board meeting). Why weren't they done soon after the March 5th meeting?

Board members must not have had time to review them before the meeting (you know, pesky things like work schedules), because the Board did not vote on them.

The Minutes were slightly better-written than the previous month, but not much. 

The Minutes do not contain the name of the recording secretary, although they should. The nice women in the HOA office have had no training (by CAMS) to produce business-quality Minutes, so they are expected to do something without training.

It is inexcusable that CAMS has not trained them to write Minutes. The HOA pays CAMS to provide an employee to write the Minutes. Month after month, the HOA tolerates poor-quality Minutes. 

Members of the HOA can read them today on the HOA's website. Hover over RESIDENTS, click on DOCUMENTS. Click on Board of Director's Minutes; click on March 2024.

Grab your red pen and have at them.

Board Members will have to submit corrections to the office, and Minutes should be corrected before they are approved.


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