HOA's New Officers?
Last Saturday (November 16) I emailed the board members to inquire who the new officers are. The board was scheduled to hold an Organizational Meeting on November 15. The election of officers should have happened at the November 12 open, monthly, Regular Board Meeting. Instead, the board planned to elect officers in a closed, private, secret, Special Board Meeting that probably won't have any Minutes published for Members to examine. I was hoping to receive a reply, so that homeowners and residents in The Summit would know who will head up the HOA for the next 12 months. Here is what I wrote: Good morning, board members, Will one of you (perhaps the Secretary?) please let me know the outcome of yesterday's Organizational Meeting? I'll appreciate your reply, so that I can announce the officers on the blog I write for the Barony Place Neighborhood and other readers in the Summit. Who was elected as President? VP? Secretary? Treasurer? Who was appointed as chair of the Nomi