Does Barony Place Have a Voting Member?

Should a Neighborhood Representative / Voting Member attend monthly HOA board meetings and keep the homeowners to whom she is responsible informed about goings-on?

The last time a Voting Member for Barony Place (Barony Place I and Barony Place II) attended a board meeting was October 2019. If you wonder whether that attendance record is correct, read the Minutes of board meetings. You'll find them on the HOA website. 

Doris Covert was the Voting Member for Barony Place, and she last attended a board meeting in October 2019.

In the January 2020 issue of The Summit Scoop Doris' name was replaced by Billie Jones, a homeowner in Barony Place I. Billie had been an Alternate.

How did that change occur? Did the two women just swap roles? Did the late George Reynolds, who was Chair of the board's Neighborhood Committee suggest, allow or condone the switch? Board Minutes do not reflect any action for that to occur. 

The By-Laws require an Annual Meeting of the Barony Place Neighborhood (and of every one of the 28 Neighborhoods) to elect a Neighborhood Committee, from which the Voting Member and two Alternates are chosen. When was the last Neighborhood Meeting? 2017? Before that?

Billie Jones' name does not appear in any Board Minutes for meeting attendance in 2020 or 2021.Not in January 2020. Not in February 2020. Not in any month of 2020 or 2021.

It seems to me that the 78 homeowners of the Barony Place Neighborhood are unrepresented before the board and that there is no legitimate Neighborhood Representative / Voting Member for Barony Place.

The homeowners of the Barony Place Neighborhood should be up in arms. But they don't know. Or, if they do know, they don't care.

The board has so far failed to declare a vacancy on the board since April 5, 2021, failed to appoint a successor to serve out George's term (ending in 2022), and has failed to appoint a new Chair of the important Neighborhoods Committee. The Chair needs to be someone with sharp eyes for understanding the By-Laws and who will guide the Neighborhood Representatives / Voting Members in complying with the By-Laws.


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