Your Neighborhood Meeting - when is it?
If you live in The Summit HOA, you are in one of 28 Neighborhoods. Every Neighborhood is to have a Neighborhood Representative (Voting Member). That is the person who represents you before the board of directors.
Every Neighborhood is to have a Neighborhood Meeting every year. That's in the By-Laws. Has your Neighboorhood had one yet in 2021? Did you have one in 2020? How about in 2019? Or 2018?
At the annual Neighborhood Meeting the homeowners of your neighborhood are to elect a three-person Neighborhood Committee.
From that Neighborhood Committee, the Voting Member and two Alternates are selected. They serve for one year. For one year, only. It's not a lifetime appointment, like to the U.S. Supreme Court.
There is no roll-over. There is no "continuation until replaced". The election is for one year.
The 28 Voting Members do not run the HOA. However, they do elect the seven people who run the HOA. The 2,500 homeowners do not elect the board of directors. The 28 Voting Members elect the board. This is why the proper and legal election of the Voting Members is so important.
Every year the Voting Members are to hold an annual meeting. According to the By-Laws this annual meeting is to be held between 90-120 days before the end of the fiscal year of the HOA, which is December 31. This means that the Annual Meeting of Voting Members should be held between September 2nd and October 2nd.
The problem? It is never held then!
Somebody on the board should be responsible for guiding the Voting Members in complying with the By-Laws. Ultimately, that responsible person is the President of the board. Until April 2021 that responsibility was delegated to George Reynolds, the Treasurer. George passed away on April 5, 2021, leaving a vacancy on the board and an important opening of Chair of the Neighborhoods Committee (of the board).
The board has failed to even declare the vacancy on the board. Its obligation and duty is to appoint a successor to fill George's unexpired term, which runs to the end of 2022. The board has taken no public action to do so.
The board's inaction does not relieve the important duty of the Neighborhoods to hold the annual Meetings, elect the Neighborhood Committees, and appoint Voting Members and Alternates.
If you need some help understanding the By-Laws, contact me.
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