February Scoop - Brilliant Planning (Not)
Why does the Summit HOA continue to waste money publishing The Summit Scoop? Look at the February 2022 edition carefully. First, you'll notice it is now only four pages. That's one 11"x17" sheet of paper, folded in half. The February issue was delivered in Barony Place II on February 23rd. You'll be glad to know that the February board meeting was three weeks before, on February 1st. And the Senior Luncheon WAS on February 16th. That's at least three months now, when the Scoop has been delivered after the Luncheon. I have suggested for over a year that the Board should take control of publication of the Scoop and appoint a homeowner or Board member to manage the Scoop. CAMS appears unable to comply with the Board's previous announcement that publication should be much, much earlier in the month. The Scoop is basically worthless as it exists. I wonder if 2% of the 2,500 homeowners read it. It may not even be delivered in neighborhoods that do not have newsp...