Suspend the HOA President?

Why would Angela Adelman, CAMS manager of The Summit Community Association (HOA), mail out the announcement of the February 1, 2022 board meeting and omit the email address of a homeowner who has received meeting announcements in the past?

Angela sent out the meeting announcement with the Zoom link at 9:26AM on February 1st, the day of the board meeting. The homeowner's email address was not on the recipient list.

The homeowner had been on "the list" and had not requested that her email address be removed.

At 6:28PM admittance was requested into the Zoom meeting and it was denied. Subsequent attempts were responded to with this message:

How did that happen?

HOA President Justin Martin directed Angela not to admit the homeowner. It was not a board decision; it couldn't have been a board decision, because the board meeting was not until 6:30PM. It was an independent and arbitrary decision by Justin Martin. It was a decision he had no authority to make.

Furthermore, it was a direction that Angela should have refused. As the manager for the HOA, employed by CAMS, which is supposed to be a professional homeowners' association management company, Angela should have informed Justin that his decision was improper, was going to backfire on him and the board, and should not be made.

Has Angela ever stood up to Justin, when he has made bad decisions or issued incorrect instructions?

What would be the risk to Angela for standing up to Justin? Would he fire her? No. The HOA is not Angela's employer. CAMS is her employer. Would Justin tell CAMS to fire Angela? What should CAMS say? "Sorry; not sorry." 

There were many times in the past two years when Justin directed actions that were not in compliance with the By-Laws. Why didn't Angela object to the Board at a meeting?

What should happen now?

The Board of Directors should suspend Justin Martin and direct him to get training in how to run a HOA. The Vice-President is fully capable of running meetings and guiding the board. If the training is unsuccessful, the Board could request the Voting Members to remove Justin from his position as a Director.

If the Board reviewed all the bad decisions and erroneous leadership in the past two years, that's exactly what the Board would do. Will it?


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