2022 Budget - Three Months Overdue

Summit homeowners should be banging on the doors of board members and demanding to know where the 2022 Budget is.

The Finance Committee should have finished the budget by November and delivered it to the Board at the November board meeting. Then board members could have reviewed it for a month and approved it in December. The Finance Committee chairman is Vernell Butler, who is also Treasurer. 

Did they? Apparently not.

The Board did not approve the 2022 Budget in December. Did even one board member object to the budget's not being ready?

The Board skipped the January meeting, even though the very important item of the 2022 Budget was pending.

The Board did not approve (or even mention) the Budget at the February 1st board meeting, according to the Minutes of the meeting.

No Proposed 2022 Budget has been posted on the SCA website. Are homeowners being kept in the dark?

And the Approved 2021 Budget has never been posted on the website.

The next board meeting is March 1, 2022. The February Scoop (available online now) announces that the March meeting will be via Zoom. Be sure to request the access link from the office.

Does the HOA still have a Treasurer?

When will the HOA return to live meetings, so that board members have to "face the music" with live homeowners present?

Board Members names are no longer listed on the HOA website. Nor are their email addresses. Or phone numbers. You can at least find their names in The Scoop (listed on the website under Residents > Documents > The Monthly Scoop). But you won't find any contact information for board members.

To find out more about the financial condition of the HOA and about the budget, contact the Neighborhood Representative/Voting Member for the 78 homes in the Barony Place Neighborhood (Barony Place I and II): Billie Jones at billiejones4694@att.net 


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