2022 Budget - Not Approved Yet

You might want to call the Treasurer of the HOA or any other board member and find out why the 2022 Budget has not been approved yet. If you check the HOA website, it's not there.

You can reach Vernell Butler, Treasurer, at vernellbutler88@yahoo.com  You'll find the board members' names in The Summit Scoop or online. Good luck finding their email addresses or phone numbers. 

The 2022 Budget should have been completed by the Finance Committee (which is loaded with four Board members (Butler, Hill, Dellinger, Game), three Voting Members, and one chairman of a different committee, by October, and then presented to, discussed by, and approved by the Board in November. And then it should have been posted to the HOA's website.

The Board skipped the January meeting. At the February 1st board meeting  the 2022 Budget awas not pproved. Will the Minutes of the January board meeting mention the budget?

Do you know what would happen in a real business if the Board of Directors didn't come up with a budget on time? They'd all get removed! The owners, shareholders, of the business would not tolerate such incompetence.

Why do the "shareholder" (the Members) tolerate it at The Summit? Because they don't know. They don't know because The Summit Scoop is nothing but a gossip sheet. Another reason is the failure of the Voting Members to pay attention to the (in)actions of the Board of Directors. In any given month only 4-5 Voting Members (out of 28) show up at a board meeting. How many of them report to their Neighborhoods?

The Approved 2021 Budget was never posted to the HOA website. What is there, under 2021, is the Proposed 2021 Budget and the Actual 2020 Budget.

Why are things done in such a shoddy manner? George Reynolds should have posted the 2021 Budget by January 2021; he didn't die until April. Angela, the CAMS employee who is the HOA Manager, should have posted it. The successor Treasurer should have posted it. Vernell Butler should have posted it after he was elected Treasurer before the end of 2021. 

Maybe it's just a petty detail. After all, it's "just" the budget of a business with $1,250,000 annual revenues and expenses.

While you are asking about the 2022 Budget, ask about the 2021 Approved Budget, too.


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