Attend Pre-Board Meetings?
Every month the Summit HOA board of directors gathers one week before the following month's board meeting in what is called a "pre-board" meeting; sometimes called a workshop, and sometimes it is referred to as an executive session.
What happens at those meetings? Well, since they are not open to the public, it's hard to say.
But what I think happens is that the board discusses various items of business and makes decisions. All of that being out of the public view of the 2,500 homeowners of the Summit Community Associatioation (HOA). It's obvious they are making decisions, because there is little discussion at board meetings and no voting by "the board". Justin just announces what will happen.
Take the 2022 Annual Budget, for example. Was there any discussion in the pre-board meeting at the end of February? Was there any discussion about the Budget on February 22?
Did the Board actually take a roll call vote to approve the 2022 Annual Budget on March 1?
Did any board member ask why the Landscaping Contract increased 17.5%, when no other category had any significant increase? Was that discussed in the pre-board meeting?
Did board member ask why it looks like almost every number in the 2021 Annual Budget was just copied over to the 2022 Annual Budget? Was that discussed in the pre-board meeting?
The pre-board meetings are, in effect, secret meetings of a South Carolina non-profit organization. Nothing should be done "in secret".
The only business in a pre-board meeting should be to set the agenda for the next board meeting - not to make all the decisions on topics that deserve public discussion.
And why shouldn't a pre-board meeting be open the Members (homeowners) of the HOA? After all, it's your money that they are collecting and spending.
The next pre-board meeting is March 29.
The next monthly board meeting is April 5. Be sure to get the Zoom link from the office in time. Just tell the office staff to put your e-mail address on the notification list for every monthly board meeting.
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