Open Letter to HOA Board and Safety Committee
Members of the Safety Committee (please forward to Members Heimlich and Kranz) and Board of Directors,
Almost every night in The Summit, vehicles are being broken into, doors are being tried, and trespassing and vandalism are occurring.
Region 7 deputies can't be everywhere. Even our own CAT officer has limited duties. The Scoop could be used more effectively to alert homeowners and residents about the problems and to enlist their powers of observation to slow or eliminate these problems.
Homeowners/residents should be constantly reminded not to leave firearms or valuable in vehicles.
Four years ago I suggested a roving team of willing volunteers to ride through neighborhoods between 1:00-5:00AM, looking for kids on foot. Their only function would be to observe and notify RCSD. Contact with the miscreants should be avoided. The Safety Committee was worried about liability. That's an easy one to solve.
Should the HOA hire more CAT-deputy hours? Evaluate private security? Are there line-items that could be re-allocated?
Consider enrolling The Summit in the Neighborhood Watch program. Post signs.
I suggest urging residents and homeowners to report every incident of property crime or personal violation to the HOA and that a sub-committee of the Safety Committee begin tracking incidents. Publicize these on the website and in the Scoop. Create a discrete email address (ex.,, so that these reports do not clog up email inboxes of the office employees. An auto-reply from such an email address could inform the sender that s/he should report crime immediately to RCSD.
The Sheriff's Dept. used to provide a Monthly Incident Report to the HOA, but the most recent one on the website is December 2020.
What can you do?
Contact the Safety Committee and the Board and tell them what you want them to do.
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