Open Letter to HOA Board re closed board meetings

The following email has been sent to the board members of the HOA.

Members of the Board,

Where did you get that crazy idea of prohibiting homeowners from attending monthly board meetings, except by invitation? I suggest you are on very thin ice with that one. I urge you to contact the HOA attorney and ask him about the wisdom and legality of such a decision.

Are you prohibiting all Committee chairmen, Alternate Voting Members, and committee members? Did you consider the workload on the office, if 2,400 homeowners request invitations to each board meeting? Why wasn't your decision published in the March Scoop (online about March 30)?

When you read Section 15 of ART. III B of the By-Laws, you'll see that it is incomplete. There is an important word missing, making it vague, not understandable, and unenforceable. You can't just pick out any word and pretend it's there.

You are elected by Voting Members who are elected by the homeowner-Members of the SCA. There is no valid business purpose to prohibiting Members (homeowners) from attending monthly board meetings. 

As you know, most, if not all, of the Voting Members were never elected within the past year at an annual Neighborhood Election, so they are not even legitimate Voting Members. And, if they are not legitimate, then their votes in elections are not legitimate. And then all the directors were illegitimately elected. Classic Voter Fraud. Maybe the S.C. Attorney General or S.C. Secretary of State should take over the SCA and straighten things out.

Did you even vote on that nutty idea? The Minutes for the March 1, 2022 board meeting do not reflect a Motion, Second, Discussion, or Vote. It appears that "somebody" just announced it and that no one objected. 

Gus Philpott
Resident, Barony Place II


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