
Showing posts from May, 2022

How will Inflation really affect the HOA?

How concerned are you abut inflation? Do you think it affects the budget and spending of The Summit HOA? The 2022 Budget increased from $1,317,550 to $1,320,050. That's $2,500 (0.19%) That's 2/10 of 1%. (The Treasurer told the Board that the budget increased $3,500.) " In February 2022, consumer prices rose 7.9 percent—the highest annual inflation rate increase in 40 years. " (Source: Hillsdale College NAtional Survey on Inflation in the U.S. (May 2022)) HOA President Justin Martin had this to say (to some) about inflation in 2022: " This year we're going to have increased costs because inflation for everything is hitting us hard, however, as far as the overall budget is concerned, we'll be just fine." QUESTION : If the HOA is going to have increased costs because inflation for everything is hitting us hard", how is everything going to be "just fine"? Isn't that naive? Why didn't the Budget increase? The Board apparently did no

Clean-up delayed. Why?

The brick wall at the entrance to the Pepper Knoll neighborhood, at the corner of Summit Parkway and Hunters Pond Drive, took a hit sometime before May 2. Why hasn't the damage been cleaned up yet? Is that wall stable? Could some kid playing near it be hurt? Shouldn't there be a yellow "Keep Out" tape be strung up? By now, at least 17 days after the wall was hit, something should have been done! The large top of the demolished brick column is still on the grass 25 yards down the hill. Why hasn't CAMS had the damage cleared up? Why haven't members of the board been paying attention each time they drive by. Several board members live near that corner. Why isn't the Board directing ( ordering ) CAMS to take action? Where is the "news" from the HOA about what happened and when the crash occurred? There could certainly be a "news" webpage on the HOA website to keep Members and residents informed. Previous article, May 2, 2022: https://barony

Read the May Scoop yet? Board email addresses

Did you read the May Summit Scoop yet? You won't find it in your newspaper box or tossed in your driveway or on your lawn. Distribution of a printed copy of The Scoop has been discontinued. Oh, you missed the Notice? You can read the Scoop online at Scroll down on the homepage to "Recent News" and click there. Wouldn't it be better is that icon read "Summit Scoop"? If you think so, contact the board of directors and the office. NOTE: The Scoop is available by email to ALL  residents  (per the May Scoop). To receive your Scoop by email, be sure to provide your email address to the office. Notify Teresa Rigon at and/or Ashton Redfern at If you want to contact your board, you'll have to search really hard for email addresses of board members; they do not appear in the Scoop or on the Summit HOA's website. For some reason, they try to keep them secret. Here they are: President, Justin Marti

HOA and COVID-19 Funding

Did the Summit's HOA apply for any COVID-19 Funding? When? How much was applied for? How much was received? Did the Board of Directors (BOD) ever consider the question of applying for it? Is there a record in the Minutes? Did the HOA Treasurer (current or past) ever recommend applying for COVID-19 Relief Funds? Did CAMS ever suggest to the Summit's Board that an application for Federal or State funds should be made? Did CAMS ever apply for funds for its own company? Does the Summit's HOA belong to any State or National HOA associations that would furnish important financial and operating information to the HOA? This is the type of information that should be published in The Summit Scoop, so that 2,480 homeowners would know what their BOD is doing on their behalf.

Block Party - May 21

There will be a block party in Barony Place II on Saturday, May 21, starting at 12:00 Noon. The location is the cul-de-sac next to 44 Barony Place Circle. It will be potluck style. Bring your own drinks. The party hosts are Tracy and her mother, Mary.  Suggested categories for dishes are meat, vegetable, fruit, potato, dips, dessert, and chips. Please call or text Tracy (724.880.2024) or Mary (419-419-8941) right away to let them know what you'll bring, or for suggestions. Plates, utensils and napkins are also needed. Drink cups, too (maybe). Mention this to your neighbors in Barony Place II. See your neighbors again and meet your new neighbors.

Neighborhood Meeting for Barony Place I & II

I have sent the following email to Billie Jones, who is listed in the Scoop and on the HOA website as the Voting Member for the 78 homes in the Barony Place Neighborhood - that's all of Barony Place I and Barony Place II (but not the Lakes at Barony Place). Hopefully, she'll take action by June 13. Good morning, Billie, I've spoken with a number of homeowners in the Barony Place Neighborhood, and they would like to have a Neighborhood Meeting and Neighborhood Election, as required annually by the By-Laws, in order to properly elect a Neighborhood Committee of three, one of whom will serve as the Voting Member for the next year. I'm writing to ask if you, as the listed Voting Member, would like to organize this Meeting. If you or Bob Keivit or Doris Covert is no longer on the Barony Place Committee (Voting Member and two Alternates), will you please notify Jesse McClinton, chair of the HOA's Neighborhood Committee, and the office? If you will organize it, will you pl

Newsletter & Website - who's in charge?

May Scoop. June calendar. When the Editor of the Scoop laid out the May issue and considered that it might be published online on May 3 (or sooner), did the question arise whether to post the May or the June calendar?  If you want to see the May calendar, look in the April Scoop (posted online). This is why the Board should appoint a Newsletter, Website and Publicity Committee and appoint homeowners to be committee members.  Turn the Scoop into a useful communications tool, not just a stale re-hash of Committee and Voting Member listings. Does anyone even read it? A CAMS employee is Chair of the Newsletter Committee. Who is the other committee member? Tim Kudlock. He is the advertising guy whose office is in Orlando, Florida. He also is a very long-time resident in The Summit - possibly the longest-time resident. Perhaps Tim should be the chair of the committee. The Newsletter Committee has no Mission. Should it? How will 2,480 homeowners be informed that the Scoop will be available on

Spreading rumors?

Yesterday I heard something from a neighbor concerning the HOA and thought it was serious enough to pass along to the Finance Committee of the HOA. I sent it only to the people who needed to know. Would you consider that as "spreading a rumor"?  HOA President Justin Martin responded politely that he had not heard it. And then Treasurer Vernell Butler decided to weigh in. He had been copied on Justin's reply, but Vernell felt it necessary to toss in his 2¢ worth Here's what Vernell had to say: " stop spreading rumors, they are inflamitory and will do you no good Gus, we are vigilant in our processes. Stop making up lies and trying to create havoc " Very professional; right? I drafted a long reply to him and then deleted it. Then I drafted a shorter reply. Something about how hard it was to take the High Road when responding to one of his missives. And I deleted that one. And then I thought of this. And it's what I sent. Think he'll get it?

$951,000 in Calif. bank - WHY?

As of the February 28, 2022 balance sheet of the Summit HOA, there was over $951,000 in a cash account of a California bank. The bank is CIT , now a division of First Citizens Bank. Read about the merger of CIT with First Citizens Bancshares, of Raleigh, N.C. Why is the world would HOA have almost a million dollars sitting in a California bank and $848,000 of it in a non-interest-bearing operating account? The HOA's annual budget is $1,262,250, or an average monthly amount of $105,000. It seems to me that keeping about $150,000 in the operating (checking) account of the HOA should be adequate.  What if a hacker sucked that out of the HOA's checking account? Who would take the hit on it? CAMS? or would the HOA suffer the loss?  The Board of Directors has known about it. Why does it allow that situation to continue? Vernell Butler is the HOA Treasurer. Ask him about it. His email address is Or you could ask the HOA President, Justin Martin. Contact him

Dennis Rybicki Appointed to Succeed Paul Hill

Late this afternoon HOA President Justin Martin informed me that Summit homeowner Dennis Rybicki has been appointed to succeed Paul Hill, who passed away on April 30. Paul Hill had been re-elected to the board in November 2021 for a two-year term that ends in November 2023.  Rybicki has been serving on the Covenants Committee. The Covenants Committee " oversees the enforcement of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the Summit, and advises The Summit Association Office on matters pertaining to the issuance of Covenant Violation Notices. The committee also, as required or requested, proposes changes to existing covenants, conditions, or restrictions, or drafts new such as necessary to maintain The Summit community as a safe and appealing community which promotes visual and social harmony, safety, and peaceful enjoyment of property." (Source: ) I also learned that there will be no regular board meeting this month (May). The next

May Board Meeting - this week?

According to HOA Board President Justin Martin last week, the May Board Meeting will be held this week. Last week it was postponed from May 3. Justin's words were actually " The BOD meeting will be rescheduled next week. " So maybe that means that it will be rescheduled this week to some other time (or even canceled?). I have emailed the office and the HOA Manager to ask the date and location of the May board meeting. When I receive the reply, I'll post it. If you want to know when and where the Board will meet, just in case the office doesn't reply to me, call 803.865.0609 and/or email one or more of , ,   If you remember, Justin's message on May 3 also said the BOD (board of directors) meeting on May 3rd was being canceled due to "inclement weather". He certainly wasn't referring to weather in NE Columbia. I wonder what weather he had in mind. The board met in "executive session

May Board Meeting canceled. WHAT inclement weather?

The May HOA Board meeting was canceled today at 4:38PM. Of course, it could have been canceled this morning or even yesterday. Inclement weather? Who is kidding whom? Where? Oklahoma? Tornadoes in Kansas? Not in Columbia! Read this message clearly. Did the President of the HOA actually write that? Sent:  Tuesday, May 3, 2022 4:38 PM To:   Subject:  Board Meeting Update-Summit Community Association, Inc. (The) - [#XN23221645]   - NOTE: This communication was sent by CAMS on behalf of Summit Community Association, Inc. (The)   from a Do Not Reply address. Replies are NOT monitored. Tonight's BOD of directors meeting will be canceled for inclement weather.   The Board is sad to announce the passing of Paul Hill. Paul's name is synonymous with The Summit. Him and Pat have been integral in the successful operation of The Summit for more years that I've lived here. His years of service and knowledge of the community will be deeply missed. There will be a Celebration of Life  held

Why TWO days off for CAMS employees?

The May Scoop informs online readers that the HOA office will be closed on Saturday, May 28, and Monday, May 30. Since Memorial Day is celebrated this year on May 30, a Monday, why is the HOA funding an extra day off for CAMS employees? It is the custom of employers to grant a paid day-off for a holiday, but not two days off. When a holiday falls on a week-end, then it is "celebrated" on a week-end, and employees usually get that week-day off. This year employees can expect to get that Monday off, but why is the office closed on Monday and on Saturday? Is the office usually closed on week-ends, anyway? Office hours don't seem to be stated in The Scoop. Should they be? NOTE: The women in the office are not employees of the HOA, contrary to any indications in the Budget that was approved for 2022. They are CAMS employees. So the HOA isn't paying them  directly , but is the CAMS contract loaded with pay for them on that second day off?  Did the Contracts Committee (Just

Eureka!!! May 2022 Summit Scoop Posted Online

The Summit Scoop for May 2022 has already been posted online! Can you believe it? Rather than telephoning the office this morning for the location of tonight's board meeting, I checked for the Scoop on the HOA's website. It's there!!! Imagine that! According to the May Scoop, now available online, the board will meet tonight, Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 6:30PM at the North Springs Community Center. Just in case you don't know where that is, the address is 1320 Clemson Road. (The correct name is North Springs Park Community Center.) It is west of Summit Parkway, and immediately west of North Springs Elementary School. On Page 1 of the May Scoop is an announcement that The Scoop is going paperless, effective with the June issue. Be sure your email address is on file with the office. Apparently, the plan is to email The Scoop and deliver it electronically to residents [ sic ]. NOTE: the announcement does state  residents . It might be advisable to call the office at 803.865.0

"Hit Me" signs on Summit walls?

Another brick wall in The Summit has taken a hit. This one is on the corner of Summit Parkway and Hunter's Pond Drive at the entrance to Pepper Knoll neighborhood. Look at how far down the grass the top of the brick column ended up. Does anyone know what hit the wall? What odds would Jimmy the Greek lay for how long this repair will take? Will the crash site bye cleaned up right away? When will repairs begin? How long with the take? The office has fresh, recent experience, so this job ought to go very quickly. Will it? Anyone have details on the wreck to share?

Long-time Board Member Passes Away

On Saturday night, April 30, 2022 long-time Board member Paul Hill passed away.  I met Paul shortly after moving into The Summit in early 2018, when I visited a monthly meeting of the Safety Committee. Over the years we corresponded about a number of safety issues, especially speeders on Summit Parkway. Paul was appointed Treasurer of the HOA after George Reynolds' death in April 2021, and he served until the November election, when his term as Treasurer ended. He was re-elected as a Director in November 2021.  The January 2, 2018 HOA Board Annual Meeting Minutes reflect Paul's name as a Director. He was also a Director in 2016 and for some prior years.  The Board should declare the vacancy created by Paul's passing and act promptly to appoint his successor, who will serve Paul's unexpired term to November 2023.  The Board is now obligated to fill two vacancies. A second vacancy on the board exists due to Reynold's death. The highest respect can be paid to Paul by t

How Stale is Voting Members' List?

Just how stale is the Voting Members' list on the HOA's website? Some neighborhoods don't have any Alternates. Some neighborhoods don't even have Voting Members, although names are still show on the list and in The Summit Scoop. And many neighborhoods don't have legitimate voting members. Late last year the HOA president appointed Jesse McClinton, of the Amaryllis Neighborhood, as the Chair of the Neighborhood Committee of the Board. One of his responsibilities is to organize the Voting Members (Neighborhood Representatives). Presumably, this means helping the 28 neighborhoods to hold the Neighborhood Meetings that are required under the By-Laws. In those Meetings, each Neighborhood is to hold an annual Election of a three-member Neighborhood Committee, from which the Voting Member and two Alternates are selected. This is to happen every year. The Voting Member serves for one year only . The Voting Member represents you , the homeowner. He (or she) represents ALL th