Dennis Rybicki Appointed to Succeed Paul Hill

Late this afternoon HOA President Justin Martin informed me that Summit homeowner Dennis Rybicki has been appointed to succeed Paul Hill, who passed away on April 30.

Paul Hill had been re-elected to the board in November 2021 for a two-year term that ends in November 2023. 

Rybicki has been serving on the Covenants Committee. The Covenants Committee "oversees the enforcement of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the Summit, and advises The Summit Association Office on matters pertaining to the issuance of Covenant Violation Notices. The committee also, as required or requested, proposes changes to existing covenants, conditions, or restrictions, or drafts new such as necessary to maintain The Summit community as a safe and appealing community which promotes visual and social harmony, safety, and peaceful enjoyment of property." (Source:

I also learned that there will be no regular board meeting this month (May).

The next board meeting will be Tuesday, June 7, 2022, at 6:30PM. The location will be announced. Board meetings are open to board members, Voting Members, and invited* homeowners. Residents who are not homeowners are not invited.

* If you are a homeowner (name on the Deed) and wish to attend a board meeting, contact the HOA office or a board member.


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