BOD election, Nov. 2022
There will be three Directors elected o the HOA board in November.
The seats of Auby Dellinger and Vernell Butler are on the cycle for this election, and the vacant seat of the late George Reynolds is open. The board should have filled that seat after George died in April 2021, but it never did.
Auby and Vernell were elected at the same time George was. Why didn't they speak up about filling the vacant seat?
Applications are to be submitted to the office by October 7. The first action step is for the office to screen them to verify that the person is in good standing with the HOA and is a resident [sic] of the Assn. That's all that the office is to do. (Procedures Reference Manual (PRM), Art. III, H, §6.
What is "in good standing"? One guess is that the applicant doesn't owe money to the Association.
And, yes, the language in the PRM is "resident", not homeowner or Member. More on this in another article.
So far, I know of three people who are planning to apply. And possibly a fourth.
Then applications go from the office to the Nominating Committee, which is composed of Mary Ann Game (chair), Michael Bryant, Auby Dellinger, James Glenn, Jeff Lummel, and Kristie O'Brian.
Because Auby is a Board Member, he should not be on the Nominating Committee. He's a nice guy and does good work. But the PRM (Art. III, H, §7) reads, in part,
"Once the nominations process begins, applications will not be provided to current Board Members. Current Board Members will not attend the interview session."
The nominations process began with the emailed announcement soliciting applications for BOD positions and the posting on the website (if you can find it). There is also supposed to be an ad in The Summit Scoop.
So there is nothing for Auby to do on the Committee. He is not supposed to applications, nor will any board member (except Mary Ann as chair). He especially won't be involved, if he decides to run for re-election.
How good would an applicant have to be to bump Vernell or Auby?
Rumor has it that Dennis Rybicki is going to have to run for election. He shouldn't have to, because he was appointed to succeed Paul Hill, who died last April. Dennis should serve Paul's unexpired term until November 2023 and run for re-election then, if he wants to.
What screwball gyrations are occurring to cause Dennis to have to run this November, if the rumor is true?
More on the process soon.
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