September 27 Pre-Board Meeting

Each month the HOA's board of directors meets one week before the next board meeting. What happened at the pre-board meeting on Tuesday, September 27.

Often the directors discuss important items and make decisions. The decisions are seldom announced or explained at the next regular board meeting. Such decisions are improper, when made outside of open monthly meetings.

No Minutes are kept of pre-board meetings. Or, if they are, they are not published for Members (homeowners) of the HOA to read.

The pre-board meeting should be only for the purpose of setting the agenda for the next meeting.

And, speaking of the agenda, the board should publish an agenda that is specific to the meeting. It should include New Business and Old Business by item. It doesn't.

So "Business" gets lost from one meeting to the next. There is no tracking. No accountability.

Are pre-board meetings open to the public? Open to Members (homeowners)?

Pre-board meetings do not qualify as Executive Sessions, which can be closed meetings. South Carolina state laws have very specific rules for Executive Sessions, which include that no decisions (including votes) can be made in Executive Sessions. No elections of officers. No appointments of successors to deceased board members.


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