How to Stop Thefts from Autos

How can you stop thefts from autos? Or, at least reduce them?

Homeowners and residents in The Summit continue to experience night-time thefts from vehicles.

What can YOU do?

1. Park your vehicles in your garage. Clear out all the clutter and junk in your garage and make room for two vehicles. 

Read the CC&Rs. 
Article XII, Section 2. Parking and Prohibited Vehicles. (a) Parking. ... No garage shall be permanently enclosed, nor shall the use thereof otherwise be converted, such that the capacity for parking of vehicles therein is reduced below that for which it was originally designed. ..."

2. Lock your vehicles. 

3. Remove valuables (computers, phones, tablets, firearms, coins, garage door opener). Leave nothing in sight except what came with your car.

4. Install motion-detector light bulbs in your outside lighting fixtures and leave the switch "On". 

5. When you see kids or adults roaming the streets at midnight-5:00AM, call RCSD immediately.

6. Ask your neighbors to do the same.

Any additional ideas? Post them below in Comments.


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