HOA Board and Office Contact Information gone from website

Last week I noticed that all the contact information for the HOA Board of Directors had been removed from the HOA website

Previously, the email address for each board member was shown as a link from his name. That's gone.

Board member names are shown in The Summit Scoop but there is no email address or phone number.

Board member names are still shown on the website but the links containing email addresses have been deleted.

Under the "CONTACT US" tab on the website appears this message: "Contact Us is not setup." So you can't even find the phone number or the HOA address on the website now.

So I emailed Justin Martin the following message: "When you have time, will you please look at the CONTACT US page on the HOA website? Right now it reads "Contact Us is not setup [sic]." If you think contact information would be helpful to residents, will you direct the staff to provide it on that page?"

He replied: "It's down for a reason right now. We'll put it back up when it's appropriate."

I had a suspicion of the "reason" and thought about writing back but didn't.

Today I posted a message on NextDoor.com about the purging of the HOA contact information and that prompted an almost-immediate posting from Justin.

On NextDoor he wrote: "Gus, you know everything should go through the office. I even told you in a private email there was obvious reasons for not having that information on the website right now and it and would be soon restored. No residents seem to have a problem with this except you. What is the point of this public post?"

To which I replied: "The point is to prompt the Board to restore information that homeowners need to take concerns directly to board members.(edited)"

When you read his NextDoor posting, he told the world that he had told me there were "obvious reasons" for contact information not being on the website right now. Is that true?

He also says he informed me that (contact information) would "be soon restored." Is that true?


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