Check out "Neighborhood News" on the HOA website

Occasionally, there will be new "news" on the HOA website's section called Neighborhood News. One problem is, that the website is allowed to go stale.

So, check it out today: Go to and scroll down on the homepage a little. Click on Neighborhood News.

The most important item - the first item - is where you can pay your dues online. (No comment)

Next is where you can read The Summit Scoop. The current copy is supposed to be there for unregistered homeowners, non-homeowner residents, and the rest of the world to read. The July 2022 Scoop was emailed to homeowners who are registered on the website on July 6. As of today, July 11, the July issue still has not been posted on the homepage (although it can be read inside the restricted website (Resident/Documents/The Monthly Scoop)).

I'm especially amused by the website tab "RESIDENTS", since the board now distinguishes between Homeowners and Residents, treating residents as second-class citizens.

Then read that the office will be closed on July 1, 2, 4 (even though today is already July 11).

Then read the current Crime Report. Until last month the most recent Crime Report was for December 2020. Then the office received a new Report, except it is incomplete (only the even-numbered pages of a nine-page report). I won't bore you with the struggle to get a full nine-page report, but I should have it this week from RCSD and will provide a copy to the office. They should have realized the four-page report was incomplete and they should have taken on the responsibility of getting the full report, but they didn't.

Next is a message the new AEDs at the pools. 

Then an announcement about the pools. In July, why is it important to know about the May opening dates? Who cares today that one pool opened two months ago on May 7 and the other pool on May 28th?

Then comes the Paperless! message. Unfortunately, it is not true. The Scoop will NOT be delivered electronically to residents, because residents cannot register on the HOA's website. Only homeowners can register. (Unless residents really can register, except for Gus Philpott.) If you are a non-homeowner resident, try to register. Post a comment below about your experience.

The Senior Luncheon information is correct. (Note: the Magnolia Buffet is great.)

Then there is mention of a HOA "No Solicitor" policy. I'm getting a copy of that from the office (I hope). Watch for a separate article about that policy.


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