RCSD Crime Report - March to June
RCSD has furnished the full Crime Report (almost) for March, April, May, and June for The Summit. It took five weeks to get a replacement of the incomplete report that first was published on the HOA's website. That report was four pages (out of nine).
You will be able to view the wide variety of crimes happening in our neighborhood.
That report, dated 6/7/2022, contained only the even-numbered pages of a 9-page report. I asked where the other five pages were.
When there was no response from the office, I contacted RCSD. Far too many people at RCSD had to be involved, and the report, dated today (7/28/2022), was just emailed to me. I have forwarded it to the HOA office.
You will be able to examine the 11-page Crime Report (3/14/2022 - 7/1/2022) on the Summit HOA's website by going to the homepage and clicking on Neighborhood News. That is, if and when they publish it.
What should have happened? When the office was first informed that it had published an incomplete report, the HOA office should have pursued getting the full report. Did it? You might call your Voting Member and ask for an explanation. Ask them to find out for you.
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